Brain and Breathing

MIND & BODY | Articles & More What Focusing on the Breath Does to Your Brain  Different breathing patterns activate our brain networks related to mood, attention, and body awareness, a new study suggests.  BY B GRACE BULLOCK | OCTOBER 31, 2019  Slow down, and...

What’s the “Skinny” on Fats? 3/3 — final

In part one we explored the importance of fats. In part two we discussed types of fats. In this article we will finish the discussion about types of fats by addressing bad fats and provide a list of some good and bad fats and where they can commonly be found.  “Bad”...

What’s the “Skinny” on Fats? 2/3

Types of FatPart ⅔: Types of fat… In Healthy Fats Part ⅓ the importance of fats was discussed. There are different types of good fats, and some that are bad. For example, omega-3 and omega-6 are essential fatty acids that must get from our diet because our bodys...

What’s the “Skinny” on Fats? 1/3

Healthy Fats  Part ⅓: The importance of fats… There are three nutrients that are referred to as “macro “ nutrients because we need them in much larger amounts than any other nutrients. These are protein, carbohydrates, and  fats.   At one point in time, fat. was...


I realize Valentine ‘s Day was last week, but the love needs to last longer than one day. Stress relief is the most elusive component of Lifestyle Therapy. Love, particularly self-love is an important part of that. This is a term that often makes people...