Customized Nutrition

Nutrition is one of the essential components of Lifestyle Therapy.

Custom nutrition because everyone’s body is different and experiences different challenges at different times, requiring the right nutrition to support at the right time, and for optimal movement, performance and stress relief.

Custom healthy nutrition in the right balance

for activity and stress levels, provides:


Effective weight loss

Hormone balance & mental clarity

Less injuries and less illness

Find out what nutrients your body needs at different times and take control of your health. Food can be medicine and eating the right foods can be a powerful in helping to reduce or eliminate chronic conditions like: 

ADHD  Anxiety  Type II diabetes  Hypertension  Hypercholesterolemia Fatigue Obesity — Skin conditions  Hypothyroid  Hormone imbalance  Adrenal fatigue  and so much more…

There are literally hundreds of dietary approaches. Through testing, you and your practitioner will learn what approach is best for your body and when the right time is to implement that approach for success.

Initial Testing & Results $269 (1hr 40 min – save $25) includes both a kinesthetic analysis  $119 (45 min) and a nutrtion analysis $175 (70 min). Nutrition programs are INCLUDED in Lifestyle Therapy. Nutrition ONLY programs range from 3, 5 or 8 weeks ranging from $389 to $2,995, based on testing and individual needs, and include extensive support for your ongoing success. 

Experts are waiting to help you.

Play the videos below to learn about some of the most important aspects of healthy nutrition.

Watch one video and earn $25 off your Initial Testing & Results, or watch all three for $35 off your Initial Testing & Results.

Contact Us

Experts are ready to help you achieve the health you need to have the life you've always wanted.

Virtual or In Person — By Appointment

Gold River, CA 95670

(916) 482 - 8282