Our Commitment to Community
It is sad and regretful that society is in a state where there is any need for us to make a statement of what we believe is the obvious, but in light of events seeking justice and equality, we would like to assure the community of the following:
All members of the Bliss Lifestyle Therapies team share the following basic conviction:
We work in the health field. Our daily activities are dedicated to helping people achieve great health as the foundation for their happiness. This includes EVERYONE. We openly welcome, embrace, and cherish diversity. Diversity is what makes life fun and interesting, and facilitates learning. We are each diverse in our own way, and these differences should be celebrated. We respect children and support their innocence, and are grateful for the wisdom and rich history of our elders. Regardless your age, and whether you are Black, White, Asian, European, Native American, Middle-Eastern, Latino, Aboriginal, Pacific Islander, or any other race, man, woman, nonbinary, CIS, gay, trans, bi, labeled “disabled”, or identify as anything otherwise, you are deserving of basic human rights, including unprejudiced healthcare and the greatest quality of life possible through good health.
It doesn’t matter what package good comes in, only that it is good.
One might say we are proudly the biggest tree-hugging, granola, human rights activist, environmentalist, nature loving, animal rights, weirdos or whatever-it-is-that’s-good label you’d like to call us, and we strive to get better at it every day.
~ The Bliss Lifestyle Therapies Team