Safety is Priority


Safety is Priority

You are an adult and you are an American. Either you, or your ancestors, fought to be here or were sent here, and fought to survive. You choose what is right for you. 



 All services, with the exception of full initial testing, are available both in-person and virtually.

Maintaining your health is important! The most important defense against illness and disease is a strong immune system created through a healthy lifestyle. We are here to provide necessary health services to help you support your health through the healthiest lifestyle possible.
IF YOU ARE SICK, NOT FEELING WELL, OR HAVE RECENTLY HAD A VACCINATION OR “BOOSTER” OF ANY KIND, (flu, shingles, COVID etc) DO NOT COME IN. Standard quarantine is 10 – 14 days. If you feel fine we are happy to provide virtual services. Thank you for taking care of yourself and respecting others.
    • We love to see your smile, but please stay home if you are not feeling well. This is your body’s way of telling you that rest is needed. We look forward to seeing you as soon as you’re better.
    • Office hours are by appointment only, scheduled to provide optimal service.
    • Health screenings are not currently in use, however — Staff/client temperature and oxygen saturation may be checked for normalcy as needed. Optimal temperature is 98.6, normal is 97.6 to 99.1. Optimal oxygen saturation is 98-100, normal is 94 to 100. If your oxygen saturation is 90 or below you could possibly be anemic, or have some other health condition so we will suggest a nutrition appointment and/or that you check with your primary healthcare provider.
    • Touch-less soap and paper towel dispensers are available. Hand washing is encouraged, and surfaces and door handles are cleaned regularly.
    • To help keep equipment clean and maintain a healthy environment, disposable gloves are provided for your workouts.


During the pandemic the governor of California required that ALL businesses post a sign recommending to wear a mask in order for any business to operate. While this may cause confusion, it is not a law to wear a mask. There are many exceptions to mask wearing for important health reasons. While masks can be helpful for visible particles, such as smoke, dust and pollens, masks do not stop microscopic particles such as a virus, or even the smallest moisture droplets, and can inhibit healthy air flow.

We care about your health and have a responsibility to do our best as health professionals to adhere to proven health practices.

    • By Law, a licensed medical professional is the only person qualified to perform the necessary, and appropriate, cardio-respiratory tests to determine mask safety and to give the medical advice to wear a mask. Practicing medicine without performing proper individual testing, and without a license is an offense punishable by law. We WILL NOT ask you to wear a mask, and if you are wearing one and appear to be experiencing respiratory distress, we may ask that you remove it.

    • Due to various known risks of mask wearing to the cardio-respiratory system, neurological, immune and general organ systems associated with mask wearing, ie: reduced oxygen flow, increased carbon dioxide, increased incidence of headaches, increased light-headedness, confusion, potential mask fiber and detergent/chemical inhalation, promotion of bacteria imbalance (acne, etc), increased incidence of illness etc, masks are not required. 


    • In accordance with HIPPA laws, and CA Civil Code 51.7, whether you are wearing a mask or not we will not ask why, and you will receive the same level of service we strive to provide everyone with. Additionally, if you are wearing a mask and show signs of hypoxia, or are participating in physical exercise, we may ask that you remove the mask for your safety.

Additional Mask-Wearing Exemptions by the Governor 


    • Those with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering. This includes those with medical conditions for whom wearing a face covering could obstruct breathing or, or otherwise unable to remove a mask without assistance
    • Those who are hearing impaired, or communicating with a person who is hearing impaired, as the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
    • Those for whom wearing a face covering would create a risk to the person related to their work.

If you have any kind of circulatory, blood pressure, cardiovascular, asthmatic, or lung condition, you should not be wearing a mask.

COVID-19 Vaccination

    •  In accordance with HIPPA laws, and CA Civil Code 51.7, we will not ask for your vaccination status, except in the privacy of a health intake appointment as a routine part of health history. — If you have received a COVID-19 vaccination, please allow 14 full days quarantine before coming in, for your recovery and the safety of others. HIPPA = your health history is private and should remain that way. CDC, WHO or any other “guidelines” MUST be scientifically validated for recognition.
    • Vaccination does NOT equal immunity. You can still get, and transmit, COVID-19 and it’s variants. Further, please be aware that abnormal bleeding is a known association with COVID-19 vaccinations, and that some who are unvaccinated are experiencing abnormal bleeding from spending prolonged time in proximity with those who are COVID-19 vaccinated. We ARE in this together, be kind and respectful to eachother.

Thank you for helping us to serve all patrons equally. Please contact us if you have any detailed questions, concerns or need any special accommodations.

We are happy to help.

We look forward to helping you reach and maintain your health goals!