About Sydney
Sydney is an athlete first and a health nerd second. She started running three miles a day for fun, at age 12 and studying nutrition by age 14. It did not take long to realize that health could be a career and not just something to do for fun.
Sydney began teaching exercise in 1987. Recognizing that nutrition was often a missing link to people’s success, she added nutrition consulting to her services by 1997.
Through a continuing education seminar she attended, Sydney learned that what she was doing was providing two of the three components of “therapeutic lifestyle change” programs aka Lifestyle Therapy for people and this was why people were getting such good health results.
Stress relief is the third and most elusive element of lifestyle that undermines people’s best efforts. While Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) was helpful and integrated into nutrition and exercise programs, it was just not strong enough alone to combat the intense stress that people experience in todays world, especially for First Responders.
Eventually Brainspotting was discovered by David Grand PHD, and Sydney quickly recognized this as the powerful tool that was needed to make the stress relief component of lifestyle just as strong as the exercise and nutrition components. She is pleased to have added an Emotion Release & Repurposing technique, and Stress Relief Mapping, to compliment Brainspotting.
With an estimated 70% of obese people suffering from childhood trauma, leading to increased health challenges, and todays intense stress levels, brainspotting and other modalities for stress relief are essential elements to long-term weight loss success and happiness.
Sydney has achieved certification as a Brainspotting Clinician, with advanced training, specializing in helping people with weight loss, athletic or career achievement, and trauma — specifically adults with childhood trauma and First Responders, in addition to 10 different fitness certifications: Aerobics, Step, Cycle, Body Pump, Kick Boxing, Pilates, Aqua Aerobics, Special Populations, Resistance Training, and Personal Training. She is a certified ski instructor, and has three nutrition certifications, in addition to her college degrees in Kinesiology, Biology, Nutrition, Math & Science, and a BS in Health Science. Each of these were important components needed for Sydney to be the effective Lifestyle Therapy Practitioner that she is today.
Personal experiences help Sydney to relate to others and understand how to help them. She is the proud mother of two boys, has one grandchild, and enjoys a variety of activities including: mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, wake boarding, running, hiking, backpacking, camping and is interested in learning to kite board. Being so active, she has experienced her fair share of injuries and knows what it takes to recover.
First Responders help to make sure people have the chance to live or keep a limb. The general public has very little understanding of the challenges that First Responders face and how a “normal” day for a First Responder could be someone elses worst nightmare. Sydney has a deep compassion for First Responders and is committed to helping them enjoy healthy, happy lives.
Sydney has had the joy and privilege to work with a variety of populations of different cultural backgrounds, and special differences such as blindness, dwarfism, hearing impaired, TBI survivors, First Responders (fire, military, nursing, law enforcement, corrections, mental health professionals) and more. She strives to find the best ways to help each individual to reach their health goals, and acheive greater self-acceptance. She has studied the most popular nutrition approaches and has a unique understanding of the complexities of nutrition combined with energy and performance, and how stress affects a persons needs and performance in different areas.
Knowing that Lifestyle Therapy will provide people with the strongest foundation for their health, Sydney strives to provide healthcare by building this critical foundation.
Combining the most successful techniques with experience, Sydney has developed a unique, targeted, approach to Lifestyle Therapy that gets dramatic results to help provide the health needed for the quality of life and happiness that every person deserves.
Contact Us
Experts are ready to help you achieve the health you need to have the life you've always wanted.
Virtual or In Person — By Appointment
Gold River, CA 95670